Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to make it rain...

How to make it Rain...

Soft rain fell down, killing the flowers scent mixing it with the smell of wet, the wings that made her drown those heavy things only hold her down, the bubbles run up her cheek loosing there grip on there once lively host, a cloak like fog rolls over the top of the murky water surface, a feather floats pulling the reflection away from the water, and is now dead and flat no sign of any life, a chill in the night as the moon stares down at the motionless creature submerged, the bubbles escaping to the surface even now in the still, the eyes looking up at her master mocking eyes of the once lovely creature, the white of her flows with the water, porcelain skin tainted with a dingy gray and green, seeping in to her and consume the beauty that once was, the beautiful long and platinum hair moves slowly to the current of the water, when the last gulp was taken and the last cry was made the rain would fall to clean this life's existence away, her cry can still be heard in the falling rain.